LIPITEARTM helps restore the proper microenvironment of the ocular surface which has been damaged due to trauma, ocular surgery, instability of the lachrymal film or an increased tendency to evaporation.
LIPITEARTM is more effective than other products based on Hyalurnic acid in reducing the typical signs and symptons (pain/burning sensation, blurred vision, feeling of foreign body, photophobia and lacrimation) in patients
LIPITEARTM enhances the speed and quality of the physiological process of
re-epithelization of the newly forming corneal epithelium, reducing microtrauma caused by blinking. suffering from dry eye.
The only available eye drops with a clinically proven indication for cornea re-epithelization enhancement following mechanical trauma and surgical epithelial loss.
Efficacy and safety of an opthalmic Phospholipid-based microemulsion in patients suffering from Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
Global signs VAS
Figure 1. Global objective signs (Conjunctival hyperaemia, conjunctival oedema, and lidoedema) changes throughout the study. Signs were collected by means of visual Anaiogic Scales and expressed as total score in mm. A statistically significant reduction of global signs was obtained in Lipofilm treated group ( P<0.01). Changes in control group did not reach statistical significance. Data are reported as mean ± standard deviation.
Symptoms Total Score
Figure 2. Global subjective symptoms (photophobia, humming / pain, blurred vision, and foreign body sensation) changes throughout the study. Symptoms were collected by means of semi-quantitative scales and expressed as total score. A statistically significant reduction of global subjective symptoms was obtained in both the groups (respectively P<0.01 in Lipofilm treated group and P<0.05 in control group). Date are reported as mean ± standard deviation.
Lipofilm appeared to be more effective in reducing both signs and symptoms than the lubricant eye drops containing 0.2% sodium hyaluronate. The tear lipid layer is a very thin lipid film, produced by Meibomian glands, that have the important function of delaying the water evaporation thus maintaining tear film stability and osmolarity. Lipid film disruptions have been associated with different ocular surface pathologies, particularly dry-eye syndrome. It is believed that the majority (over 75%) of dry eye patients have deficiencies at the level
of tear film lipid layer. The restoration of the tear film lipid layer
is generally seen as a difficult task to be accomplished.
In conclusion, present results indicate that the use of Lipofilm, an oil in water microemulsion having physiological function very close to that of tear lipid layer, represents a new opportunity in the treatment of dry-eye.